Lulu Guiness
Famous for exquisite and witty handbags and accessories, Lulu Guinness OBE launched her company in 1989 and instantly became a ʻmustʼ in every fashion aficionadoʼs address book. The collectable bags have been described as 'tomorrow's treasures' and become permanent fixtures in many museums, as well as the subject of two exhibitions in Sothebyʼs London and New York. Lulu's strong personal style and original ideas have played a large part in her success with her design inspiration springing partly from retro glamour and partly from modern chic.
The Piece
Designed to befit the expression, 'Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder', this bespoke bag is characteristic of Lulu's wit and charm. The cubic evening bag is covered in luxurious black satin with an elegant wrist strap. Beautifully moulded brass, glass and crystal hardware in the shape of a watchful eye adorns each panel. The Lulu Guinness cubic bag is presented inside another larger cube, sumptuously lined in vivid bright blue, and hand-embroidered with Luluʼs iconic handwriting.